martedì 14 dicembre 2010

Huck Discussion Questions: XXI – XXIII

1.     The description of the people who live in the Arkansas town in Chapter XXI is the practical example of the quote form Twain’s “The Damned Human Race”. They are cruel, they like to lynch each other and see sufferance and pain.
2.     Because Huck knows the truth about the duke and the king, he knows they are not good person. He doesn’t want to get in troubles either.
3.     Twain criticizes the importance given to the honor. In the South it is considered something you have to defend with your life too. In the Sherburn/Boggs episode happens that Sherburn who is a Colonel kills Boggs, who is drunk because this is bothering him.
4.     The circus can entertain the people better than the show of the duke and the king. The people are illiterate so they can’t understand the depth in the Shakespeare’s drama, while they prefer to watch to something funny and hilarious like the circus whose style is “low” as people culture.
5.     Huck thinks that the most deceived is the ringmaster and this show’s that he is still a naïve boy because in the reality the trick was played on the public, who result the most deceived.
6.     Twain expresses that generally men likes and wants to do what is considered dangerous, forbidden and reserved only to few people. This show another time the men silliness.
7.     Twain put the criminals on the same level of the kings and dukes because as criminal steal in robbery and use money as they want, kings “steal” by excessive taxation and waste a lot of money for their fun, and both of them has lot of secret about their bad action.
8.     The story of Lizabeth, the girl dead cause the scarlet fever, makes Jim miss his children a lot. He care about them and he is a good father and it’s normal he wants his children with him. This episode change a bit Huck’s opinion about Jim, that now looks more human, as a normal father.
9.   Huckleberry Finn is a young boy who lives with the Widow Douglas and her sister Mss Watson. The widow take care of him as he was her soon and makes him go to school and pretends he to behave politely and especially tries to teach him religion. Huck best friend is Tom Sawyer. The two boys like a lot the adventures so they creates a gang whose goals are robberies of treasures and murders of enemies. But all the deeds they should make are just adventure in the imagination, agreeing with Tom’s romanticism. The most they do is to raid in a Sunday school picnic, scary some children and steal some candies. One day Huck see Pap footprints in the snow and imagines he is back because he heard that Huck has 600 000$, money he found with Tom. Huck doesn’t want Pap to take the money so goes to Judge Thatcher, the man who is holding them for him, and gives all of them to him. When Pap and Huck meet Pap tells Huck that he dislikes his lifestyle, that he wants his money and that he has to come to live with him. There is a lawsuit about that because the widow doesn’t want let Huck with I father, he is violent. In the end the judge, who is new in town, assigns the care of the kid to his Pap. So Huck starts to live with Pap in a dirty and ruined house out of the town. He doesn’t dislike the new life because he has more liberties and not a lot of rules. But Pap keeps him locked in the house and often coming back home drunk, rips Huck. So Huck decides he wants to leaves everything and everyone and escape. One day while Pap is out he succeeds to escape from the house. Artfully, he makes his house how there was a robbery and he was killed so that no one would have looked for him. So he goes out and taken a canoe, founded some days before, starts flow down the river. He rushes until Jackson Island. Here he meets Jim, Mss Watson’s nigger, who is escaped because he heard that Mss Watson wanted to sell him and he didn’t. They started to lives together on the island. One day Huck decides to play a trick to Jim: he puts a snake in his bad, which is a sign of bad luck, indeed the nigger get bit but it isn’t so serious and Jim recover soon. Another time they find the body of a dead man and to understand what was happened they go to the men house where they find clothing stuff. They decide that to know the news from the town Huck should dress up as a girl and go on the shore asking. He does in this way but the woman who asked for information discovers his male identity so he reveals he is a boy but give her a fake name. Huck knows about the reward on Pap, accused for his(Huck) murder and on Jim, the slave escaped and notices that Jim reward is higher than Pap’s. Then the two go on a steamboat called “The Walter Scott”. Here there is a really gang of criminals who want to kill one of the member. They leave because it is dangerous and the boat is sinking. However Huck want to save the men from the sinking because even though they are criminal he imagines that one day he will be a criminal too and will be fine to receive help. So he tells to a men in the harbor that on the boat there is the child of the richest men of the town and that saving him would make him gain a big reward. But the man has not time and the boat sinks. Huck and Jim continuing to rush down the river. Jim want to go in then free lands to obtain the freedom. Huck isn’t sure that help a nigger to escape is the right thing to do, especially because Jim is Mss Watson’s slave, but however he leaves the facts occur. One night on the river it is terribly foggy and the two lose each other. Jim worry a lot about Huck and when they meet again Huck play another trick on Jim and the nigger was very sad for this. They are divided another time, this time on the land. Huck arrives to an house, the Grangerfords’ house, where he is welcome by the family as a friend. Huck really likes the family and spends a very good time with them especially with another boy of his age, Bugg. By the time he discovers that the family is implied in a feud with an enemy family, the Shepherdsons and that they uses to kill each other without any reason even tough to continue a “tradition”. On day Grangerfords’ daughter asks Huck to go to the church to fetch the Bible she left there. Huck does it and discovers that in the book there is a peace of paper with a time written on, but not understanding what that means he just carries the bock back to Grangerfords’ daughter. She thanks him and make him promise not to tell that to anyone. In the afternoon Huck meet Jim again and they are both happy of this. In the night Huck wakes up and notices that there is no one at home. He discovers that they are all hunting for Grangerfords’ daughter who has escaped with Shepherdsons’ son to marry. The member of both families start to fight, killing each other. Bugg is killed too and Huck very scared run away, look for Jim and when he meet him, the couple restart flowing down the river. One day they meet two guys who are running away from a group of people. Huck saves them welcoming them on the boat. The two guys say to be one a King and one a Duke, they say they lost their money and so their power and they are very sad for this. To make them happier Huck and Jim start treat them as they are royalists. To earn some money the duke and the king decide to put on a part of a Shakespeare drama and played it in the next town. Once there no one go to the show, while a lot of people go to see another show, the Nonesuch, that is hilarious so people like it. Next Huck, Jim, the king and the duke arriving in another town in Arkansas. Here Huck assists to the murder of a drunk man, Buggs, killed by the Colonel Sherburne because he was continuing to bother him. The murder happens in the middle of the street in front of a lot of people, Buggs’ daughter included. A group of people go to lynch Sherburne but once there the colonel succeeds to defend himself by a great speech. The same night there is the another show of the duke and the king but only twelve people come to see it. So for the next days the couple decide to play a comic play. The shows obtains, at lest in the beginning, a good success. But after three days of the same play people are bored of the show. The group go away, the duke and the king gained 465$. In the night Huck understand the Jim’s love toward his family. Hearing a thud far away Jim remember when his, Lizabeth, daughter died and he didn’t do anything to save her but left her alone and he is so sad for this.

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