venerdì 29 ottobre 2010

Questions Movie Revolutionary War

1) What rebel leaders does Paul Revere ride at midnight to warn?
Paul Revere rides at midnight to warn John Hancock and Samuel Adams about the movement of the British Army.

2) In detail, describe how the battle of Concord looked?
The British plan was to destroy the American supplies in Concord to make Americans’ situation worse but the American were informed about the British plan so they prepared well on time and the enemy, when attacked, didn’t succeed to defeat them. There was a big fight on the bridge of Concord where a lot of British soldiers. Plus in this battle the militia has to walk for a lot of hours.

3) Why was the Revolutionary War the most important event in U.S. History?
Revolutionary War was the most important event in U.S. history because it provided the start of a legally creation of the nation, it contribute to the diffusion of an unitary culture and in it people started to believe in the principle of equality, liberty, happiness and constitution.

4) How many cities over 10,000 where there in America at the time of the Revolution?
At the time of the Revolution America had four cities over 10,000.

5) Describe the country before the Revolutionary War? Why might not we, in the 21st century, recognize it?
Before the Revolutionary War, the country was a pristine land, with a lot of trees and forest crossed by big rivers. The population wasn’t a lot, and the most lived in small villages.
Nowadays the situation is completely different. US lands are full of cities buildings and streets and there is a big population.

6) Why was James Otis important?
James Otis was a Boston lawyer and public official. He advocated the Americans’ cause and his writes inspired the American founding fathers acts.

7) What was Samuel Adams known for?
Samuel Adams was an American statesman. He was one of the most outstand man of the revolution. He organized a political action group called the Sons of Liberty that lead the Boston Revolution.

8) Describe the Patriotic Leaders.
They were noble idealists but also ready to do everything they had to, to achieve their goals.

9) What percent of the population, according to John Adams, wanted liberty?
One third of the population wanted the liberty according with Adams.

10) Discuss how the events of the Boston Massacre and the Boston Tea Party lead to the Revolutionary War.
The Boston Massacre is the murder of 5 civil men by British redcoats. This event was the trigger that made the angry of Americans explodes. Indeed the sequel of it was the Boston Tea Party, a really protest against the British. They are the extremes of an atmosphere of continuous tensions, and with them the war officially began.

giovedì 28 ottobre 2010

Zinn Chapter 5

In chapter five of “A people history of United State” Zinn addresses the issue of the Revolutionary War. Like in the entire book, Zinn focalizes his reflections on the situation of the underclass. In this chapter the narration is around two topics: how the underclass lived the war and the formation of a first sketch of constitution.
Zinn starts the chapter talking about the difficulties that Americans found in the formation of military troops. In the beginning only white free men were allowed to take part in the militia. Natives, slaves and poor whites didn’t use to fight. But this strategy wasn’t successful and soon Americans needed more men. So they let the poorest classes to fight, too, and sometimes they forced people to go to the war by special laws. Poor didn’t oppose to that because they saw in their participation to the fight a way to get their conditions better. But it wasn’t in that way. When after the war poor came back to their home their situation wasn’t improved but got worse. Missing work, which they couldn’t do to fight the war, had made their business bad and they didn’t succeed, during the war, to solve the arguments they have with the people of the wealthy class.
Zinn also talks, in chapter 5, about a new sketch of constitution that was made during the war. This wasn’t very different from the previous laws because only wealthy white people made it, caring mostly about their businesses.

martedì 26 ottobre 2010

Scarlet Letter 9

In chapter five Hester goes out form the prison and goes at home with her baby. That’s a difficult change for her because until now she was always protected from the accusatorial looks form people by the walls of the prison, but now she has to start her normal life, wearing time by time, day by day, looked by everyone, with the scarlet letter flaming on her chest. It’s a very hard punishment for her. Because despite staying in prison, especially with a baby, wasn’t a good accommodation for her, the prisons’ walls acted like a barrier for her and her seen. Now that she is out, she has no more defense: she has to face the life alone with her sin.

venerdì 15 ottobre 2010

Questions for PART III: The French and Indian War

1) How did the French and Indian War turn into a World Conflict? How did this affect North America?
The French and Indian War turned into a World Conflict because England and French wanted both having the supremacy in the World. In 1758 French and British and their allies started to fight in Germany, then in Africa for the control of the slaves’ trade and in India for the conquer of a piece of Asia. This was a very big War to which all the Europe participates to, and was called for his duration in time 70 Years War. It was a religious conflict too: there were on one side the French, Catholics, and on the other the English, Protestants.
2) How do the British treat Washington when he asks for a Royal Commission? Why do they turn him down?
When Washington asks for a Royal Commission the British refuse in a very impolite way and turn him down because he hasn’t obtained a good military success.
3) How does Pitt's policies change the colonists attitudes toward the war?
Pitt guaranteed to the colonist the ability to fight the war, giving them weapons and supplies, and conquest their military ally against the French.
4) Describe the Battle of Ticonderoga?
In the battle of Ticonderoga we see the French on one side and the British on the other. The French build a wood wall that makes a good defense for them. Indeed after 8 hours the British are completely defeat and have lost 2000 men. Instead the French have only some men injured. But in this battle Montcalm, the French leader, understand that they need more supplies and more men if they want to win the war definitely.
5) What was the western supply post for the French? How did it fall?
For the French the western supply post was a fort where they had their main supply. It felt because the British attacked it with strong bombing, and destroyed it.
6) Why is the St. Lawrence River important?
That river allowed the British to cross the country quickly and transport weapons and goods easily.
7) What are the reasons the natives leave the French side?
In the beginning the alliance with the French was, for the Indians survivor strategy, they needed to trade with them. But by the time, French started to have a more restrictive behave with the Indians. They didn’t share more with them enough quantity of supplies that caused, on the Indians’ side, a big famine that helped the diffusion of the small pox and made a lot of dead. So Indians wanted to demonstrate they couldn’t be tricked by the French because they were more powerful and that they could make peace and break peace when they wanted. So they left French side and started fight against them.
8) Why do the Virginians (under Washington) and the Pennsylvanians clash over Forge's road? What does this say about the colonies?
They clash over Forge’s road because the Pennsylvanians wanted to use a straighter road then the Virginians. That means that colonies were still really divided, and weren’t ready to be a single power.
9) Pittsburg is named after who?
Pittsburg is named after the prime minister who made possible the victory there.
10) How do you feel about George Washington and his participation in the French and Indian War? Why?
George Washington in the French and Indian War wasn’t a good leader at all. He took a lot of wrong decisions that made the British lose more than once. Probably in the future its career as a politic man will be great, but in the beginning it wasn’t good.

lunedì 11 ottobre 2010


ACQUIESCE: The teacher acquiesces to give more time to the students to do their project.

ABSTINENCE: The abstinence from sweets makes the girl lose much weight.

domenica 10 ottobre 2010

Questions for PART 2 of The French and Indian War Movie

1) Johnson tried to convince the Indian that British are there for their goodness. He tried to persuade them by giving them presents, saying that they were important symbols for the British. But only Mohawk agreed to fight with Johnson against French, the others preferred to remain neutral. The Indians don’t want to intrude between the whites.

2) In the Battle of Lake George was costly to both sides. The British were completed destroyed, and Johnson himself was mortally injured.

3) Purposes why Native Americans took captives:
·      As weapons
·      For spiritual reason
·      To replace warrior dead in the battles
·      To have ransom

4) Mary Jemison and is family are taken like a model of a normal American family which lived that historic context. What happens to her is shown as an example of the cruelty of Indians with civil people. Particularly importance is given to the feeling of fear she has once she has been taken as captive.

5) No I think they were too cruel. It’s right that discipline is important but it isn’t right to teach it with violence. Especially I think that stopped a human life, to tech discipline, is

6) Montcalm is the new French military leader who didn’t like Indians because they were too different from them and too slow in doing things.

7) Native Americans use to use captives to replaces Indians dead in battles, uses the dead bodies of the enemies like prizes, and used to take scalp from enemies’ captives (scalp I a braid of someone hair cut down). The Europe were more civil than the Natives, they respected the dead and didn’t cut down captives hair.

8) Montcalm offer to the British the chance to surrender before that the battle’s beginning, but they didn’t accept. The battled started and was terribly on both sides. So the British leaders asked for a temporary peace by sending a messenger to the French. An Indian, allied with French, killed the man before he arrived to the French leader, but he also took the letter and brought the letter to the commander. The French accepted the truce. The fighting stopped.  After the battle there was a meal were French and British ate together and the Indians wasn’t happy about that because they didn’t succeed their goal.

venerdì 8 ottobre 2010


ADMONISH: The mother admonish her son becouse he didn't finish his homework on time and took a bad grade.

ABSTRACT: Your idea is good but very abstract; it's impossible to realize it.

giovedì 7 ottobre 2010


AESTHETIC: The aesthetic of that house is really nice. I like that style.

AGGRANDIZEMENT: The aggrandizement of the ozone hole could have brought very bad consequences.

mercoledì 6 ottobre 2010

US HISTORY Questions

1. George Washington was a member of Virginia’s militia sent as ambassador to the French in Ohio River’s Valley. In that time there were a lot of tensions between French and English so, in his expedition, George Washington allied with some Indians and ambushed a French scouting party. In it, the Indians killed the French leader. But the responsibility of this act was given to the English because George Washington was deceived in the signing of a document of peace. George couldn’t understand that document because it was in French, so it signed it relying to his translator. But he tricked him and didn’t say to George that the document said that he had killed the French leader. That was the trigger of the war: the precarious balance was destroyed and French and English started to fight.

2. Half-King is the Indians’ leader, the man with greater power in political an military decisions. He decided to betray the French allies doing a secret pact with the British against them. His decision was due to his goal, he wanted her lands free, and to achieve that an alliance with British would have been better than an alliance with French.

3. Half-King murdered the French to revenge the humiliation received before and to show them, and to the British too, Indians’ power, to scary and make them come back home. He wanted Natives’ lands free.

4. Probably Indians are who were more in the right. They couldn’t choose to fight but they had to because the battles were on their lands. They had to fight to defend their selves and try to recapture their freedom.


AFFINITY: George is fat becouse he has an affinity for food.

ABERRATION: Last time there was an aberration: that team, that used to lose, won.

martedì 5 ottobre 2010


ADVOCATE: Mr. X is advocate for hunger in the world. He does a lot of donations to charity companies, and often he goes as missionary in pour countries to help people.

ACCLAIM: The public acclaimed very cheerfully the champion of the 200-meter race in Olimpionic Games.