On the 12 of October 1492 Christofer Columbus land in what they called 'The New World'. His deed was glorious becouse he had first the brave to face the ocean by an unknow route and he succeeded to do a great discovery: the America. Columbus , for that reason, is remebered from everyone like a great sailor and a good men. But this isn't all the story there is the downside: from Columbus all the European that went in America implement a policy of exploitation and destruction. They stolen, killed, overfished everything they can, causina a big microbiological shock for the Indians people who lived there. That's how these heroes were: cruel and merciless! Obviusly we can't discredit thery excellent discovery, but we can't omit their brutality, too. The history is reality made by facts, made by truth. Studing history means search this truth not to be ignorant for understand where we come from and don't remake the same miskate of ours ancestors. Thats the reason why it's more important understand from different point of view expecially opposite ones; for the men, including historians, is difficult tell in an objective ways so should be the mass media and the school too, like everything that contributes to the circulation of information, to tell facts from different-opposite sources. Only in this way we can have a real knouledge and find the truth.